Topic Areas


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Resources, Training, and Education

Lead: Paul Ndione, NREL
Co-Lead: Jeremy Sment, SNL

The Resources, Training, and Education (RTE) topic is a dedicated effort from HelioCon to support the heliostat community as a whole. It encompasses resources, practices, and programs to ensure that newcomers to the heliostat development business have an adequate knowledge base and training to conduct R&D efforts, outsiders to the field are provided with resources and opportunities to help them join the workforce, and the workforce community is a productive, healthy, and fulfilling environment for all workers. To fulfill the identified top-ranked gaps,

  • Efforts will be made to create more opportunities for heliostat research and education in universities to support a workforce pipeline;
  • Informational and training resources will be created to market heliostats to the public and to support onboarding of new employees;
  • A web-based resource database will be created to make RTE resources accessible to the public.