Roadmap to Advance Heliostat Technologies for Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power
Heliostat-based concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) systems can offer immense potential to provide low-cost, dispatchable renewable thermal and electrical energy to help achieve 100% decarbonized energy infrastructure in the United States. Heliostats are a major capital cost technology and a performance-dominating component of state-of-the-art commercial molten salt towers and Generation 3 CSP systems. In 2021, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) launched the Heliostat Consortium (HelioCon), a five-year initiative to advance heliostat technologies.
The HelioCon mission is threefold:
- (1) establish strategic core testing and modeling capabilities and infrastructure at national labs;
- (2) support heliostat technology development in relevant industries; and
- (3) serve as a central repository to integrate industry, academia, and other stakeholders for heliostat technology research, development, validation, and deployment. In this report, HelioCon presents a roadmapping study on advancing heliostat technologies, intended as a central reference for the whole CSP community.
Guangdong Zhu, Chad Augustine, Rebecca Mitchell, Matthew Muller, Parthiv Kurup, Alexander Zolan, Shashank Yellapantula, Randy Brost, Kenneth Armijo, Jeremy Sment, Rebecca Schaller, Margaret Gordon, Mike Collins, Joe Coventry, John Pye, Michael Cholette, Giovanni Picotti, Maziar Arjomandi, Matthew Emes, Daniel Potter, and Michael Rae
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