HelioCon Seminar Videos
Date | Title | Instructor | Video Link | Training Documents |
September 27, 2023 | Challenges and Solutions in Heliostat Optical Metrology | Dr. Randy Brost SNL |
video | Slides, Flyer |
August 30, 2023 | CSP Industry Perspective on Heliostat Optical Measurement | Dr. Jeremy Sment, SNL |
video | Slides, Flyer |
August 16, 2023 | Intern Projects in Heliostat Technologies at NREL, SNL | Dr. Rebecca Mitchell NREL |
video | Slides, Flyer |
April 10, 2023 | CSP Tower Technology: 10+ Years of Innovation and 35+ Years of Mature Prior Innovation | Yoel Gilon |
video | Slides, Flyer |
March 1, 2023 | Introduction of the 2022 CSP Blue Book of China | Zhifeng Wang |
video | Slides, Flyer |
February 1, 2023 | Solar Field for CSP Tower Technology: Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Operational Commercial Projects | Raul Gonzalez Marcelo |
video | Slides, Flyer |
November 9, 2022 | Mitigating Unconscious Bias in Work Teams | Anelisa Simons SNL |
video | Slides, Flyer |
October 19, 2022 | Transferring Photovoltaic lessons learned to Concentrating Solar Power | Dr. Matthew Muller, NREL | video | Slides, Flyer |
August 11, 2022 | Advanced Manufacturing for Heliostats – What We Can Learn from Automotive Joining Technologies, Materials, and Automation | Wagon Wills, Gonzalez Group Dr. Randy Brost, Sandia | video | Slides, Flyer |
August 1, 2022 | 13 HelioCon Interns, NREL/SNL/DOE | 13 HelioCon Interns, NREL/SNL/DOE | video | Slides, Flyer |
July 13, 2022 | Heliostat Aerodynamics and Wind Load: Characterization and Prediction in Atmospheric Boundary Layer | Matthew Emes, University of Adelaide | video | Slides, Flyer |
June 29, 2022 | Soiling Losses for Concentrating Solar Power – Prediction, Assessment, and Mitigation | Dr. Michael Cholette, Queensland University of Technology | video | Slides, Flyer |
June 8, 2022 | Bottom-up Analyses for Two Heliostat Collectors and an Initial Heliostat Supply Chain | Parthiv Kurup, NREL | video | Slides, Flyer |
May 18, 2022 | Heliostat Components and Controls | Dr. Ken Armijo, Sandia | video | Slides, Flyer |
April 13, 2022 | Economies of Scale – Field Deployment Considerations to Accommodate Evolving Energy Markets | Dr. Jeremy Sment, Sandia | video | Slides, Flyer |
March 30, 2022 | What’s Looking Up Down Under? Progress of Australian Solar Thermal Research Institute (ASTRI) Heliostat Activities | Mike Collins, CSIRO Energy | video | Slides, Flyer |
March 16, 2022 | Resources, Training, and Education for the Heliostat Workforce | Dr. Rebecca Mitchell, NREL | video | Slides, Flyer |
February 16, 2022 | An Undervalued Foundation for Heliostat Technologies - Optical Characterization, Modeling, and Measurement | Dr. Guangdong Zhu, NREL | video | Slides, Flyer |
February 3, 2022 | Technoeconomic Analysis of Heliostat Technologies | Dr. Chad Augustine, NREL | video | Slides, Flyer |
January 12, 2022 | CSP Capabilities at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory | Mark Mehos, NREL | video | Slides, Flyer |
December 8, 2021 | CSP Capabilities at Sandia National Labs | Dr. Margaret Gordon, Sandia | video | Slides, Flyer |